Turn Ideas into Reality: The Power of Small Beginnings.

3 emails. Me, Myself, and my spouse. Yeah, that’s right. I subscribed TWO of my personal email addresses. Just so It wouldn’t be sent to no one. 

July 18th I launched a new project. A local newsletter (yes, another newsletter 😅). It’s super simple. Focusing on Knoxville’s local happenings (events, music, etc) and how you can get involved. 

This Wednesday, I’ll be sending the 4th newsletter to 86 people. 

In the age of seeing massive subscriber lists, this may not seem like a big deal. Imagine a room filled with 86 people. That’s a whole damn crowd! 

  • The idea has been validated. 
  • 77.3% open rate (I expect this to decrease some as the subscriber lists grows)
  • For the first time, I’m seeing an idea turn into a reality. 

Like anything, there are ups and downs. But there is traction.  

Dreaming is easier than executing. And if you’re anything like me, you have a graveyard of ideas cluttering digital, physical and mental space. 

The second half of this year, I decided to make a change and take action on these ideas. 

Bringing back to life my personal website was my first decision. 

No wasting time on building a beautiful website, or perfecting my landing page. 

Free wordpress template, and 11 articles in 27 days. Hmm. This feels good… 

Started waking up at 5am so I could write for an hour before work, every single day. This feels good too!

Okay. Now we’re getting somewhere. 

Launching my newsletter was the byproduct of doing, not dreaming.

Turn your ideas into reality:

  • Give yourself a firm deadline. Marble City Minute was launched after 2 weeks of “research & development.”
  • Move quickly and allow it to be messy. The first idea was created in a google doc. Sent to a few close friends for feedback. BAM. Published.
  • Invest into your idea. $20 and 3 days of facebook ads showed me that this was something people wanted (not just friends being nice). It was validated immediately.
  • Don’t get stuck in the design phase. Over the years I’ve had countless ideas, and worked weeks on logos and branding. But nothing got done. Keep it simple and focus on market fit first.

Cheers to those working on becoming doers! We got this.