Be Financially Ready to Move Before Applying to Jobs Out of State
Raise your hand if you have a relocation fund in place prior to applying for an out-of-state job? Yeah… me either. I’m guilty of the “apply and figure it out later” mentality. It’s not too late! You can learn from my mistakes, and become financially prepared to apply to those out-of-state jobs without fear of…
Decision Time: Overcome Job Offer Relocation Uncertainty
We have a tendency to over complicate major life decisions. Relocating, despite the excitement, is no exception. It’s natural to feel a mixture of emotions when contemplating such a significant change, it’s also normal to seek out advice on what you should do… “Do I Accept the Job and leave behind everything, or stay in…
How To Avoid Being Broke After Relocating For Work
There are two ways to avoid being broke in life. One is managing what you have with integrity and living below your means. And the other is clearly… 🎶🎵🎶 Money-money-money-money, MONEY ! 🎵🎶🎵🎶 (If you don’t sing-song this in your head when reading, we are not on the same wavelengths). When relocating for your livelihood,…